Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Be nice to me...

Today was one of our regularly scheduled Community Blood Drives. Now, I didn't actually try to give blood today, since I was sick on Monday, but I still did my part. Besides donating when I can, I also volunteer at these drives by serving refreshments to the donors. Today I even registered with the National Marrow Donor Program. It was simple...I filled out a form which included contact information and a health questionnaire, then I swabbed the inside of my mouth in 4 places and placed the swabs in a special folder to be mailed off for typing. I encourage everyone who is eligible and has not already registered to consider this program.


Not Hannah said...

Good for you, chickadee. Every little bit of love and care helps.

Aleta said...

I was told that I can't give blood because I have a thyroid problem.
:( But I never thought about doing volunteer work for the blood drive. I'll have to remember that in the future! :)