Saturday, October 10, 2009

Don't worry, be happy!

One of my favorite quotes is by Abraham Lincoln, "Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be." I like it because it is so simple and so true.

Usually I am a pretty happy person, a "glass is half full" type. Right now, however, I would be happier if I had a decent post for today. I am reminding myself that this month of daily posting is for fun, and that there is always tomorrow!


Aleta said...

But you POSTED and that's the good thing. Greg is a "don't worry, be happy" to the nth degree. I'm more of a worry type personality, but not negative. If that makes sense. Lol

Martha said...

I worried more when I was younger. I finally figured out that things usually work themselves out and that worry is usually wasted energy.