Saturday, October 3, 2009

Ahhhh! Autumn!

The days are still bright and sunny, but not sweaty hot. The nighttime and early mornings are crisp and cool, but not shivery cold. Some of the trees around town are beginning to show off their bright colors, while crispy, crinkly oak leaves, in their not so spectacular shades of brown and green, are starting to litter the lawn. Each season has its own special offering, but autumn is by far my favorite.

It wasn't always that way, however. When I was a kid it was all about summer, with countless carefree days spent playing outside, usually barefoot. The long, warm summer evenings were perfect for playing kick-the-can in our cul-de-sac. Summers now still mean fun, but the heat has become much more of an issue. These days, playing outside is always more enjoyable if water is involved.

Spring is always welcome after the cold, short days of winter. The fruit trees, dogwoods and wildflowers bloom, the hills are blanketed in my favorite shade of green, and the temperatures are pleasant. The problem with spring, however, is that it passes too quickly. All too soon the wildflowers fade, the hills turn golden and the thermometer soars to 100.

As for winter, it serves it purpose. I don't complain when winter arrives since ours here aren't too harsh or unbearably long. The occasional snow storms we get are always welcomed with childlike glee, despite the havoc they can create. Likewise, I never complain when winter comes to an end.

Time now to savor all of autumn's goodness...let the raking begin!

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