Tuesday, January 6, 2009


We went to Home Depot yesterday and saw this truck parked in the outer reaches of the lot. Of course, I had my camera with me so I just had to snap a picture. As I was walking around it, camera pointed, deciding on the best angle, someone came walking toward it/me. I was briefly worried that this person might think I was responsible for this hilarious (to me, anyway!) prank.

I spoke up and said said something like, "I just saw this and thought it was funny" and he walked past and said, "Yeah, they do that a lot around here." I wonder if the birthday person was aware of this celebretory practice and would be expecting it or if it would be a complete, and (hopefully) happy, surprise. If this was MY truck and it was MY birthday I would LAUGH!


Kitt said...

How funny! That's a cute prank. Sure beats TP on the landscaping.

thcharmed1 said...

Hi Martha,
You were in the right spot at the right time! Great picture and story. I'll have to remember this when your b-day comes around :)
