Actually, I really do know what an f-stop is, but with my new camera I don't have to be concerned with it. I wanted a compact digital point and shoot camera to replace my Kodak and I chose an Olympus Stylus 1010, mainly because of its zoom and dual image stabilization. What I discovered after I got it, however, is that it has both macro and
super-macro settings. Close up shots are now my new favorite. I am amazed at the images this little gem is capable of and I don't have to do anything except find a subject, lie on the ground, wait for an insect, make sure the light is right, and snap dozens of shots to end up with a handful of images. I didn't do anything to these other than a little cropping on some. (What's Photoshop?)
Hurry, bee, get while the gettin's good
My nemesis, buttercup oxalis
This is my very favorite. I found out that this is NOT a bee, but a hover fly, also known as a flower fly, and you can tell because it has only 2 wings, not 4 like a bee. Who knew?
Alyssum, sans Syrphidae eristalis lineata
Leftover hydrangea...I think it is even prettier now than at its peak
Easy being green...
just for fun...
and this one courtesy of the trusty Kodak...